Well ... as i see the new Update.
i can see they nerf Splinter and EW very hard .. u can Say that Splinter is nerfed..
Also LoD got a hard blow... the 2sec casting makes Holy haste almost a must in a LoD build now...
there are also some good things... Like WoH,HB and heal party
Please post youre thoughts about about this Skill Balance both PvE an Pvp.
In what way splinter is nerfed?,, lod got a hard one though,, have you seen the recall nerf? that makes all those wall teams unusable now..,, i dunno why they nerf anything that works well..
the recall nerf wont hurt any pve whatsoever. its was owned in hero battles.. now it probably wont get any use there.. as for pve.. and espicalyl the deep, its still viable there.